Recovery Position

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1 min 23 sec
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How to Place an Unconscious Patient in the Recovery Position

When to Use the Recovery Position

A patient who is unconscious but breathing should be placed in the recovery position when you need to care for them or leave temporarily and return.

Special Considerations for Spinal Injury

If you suspect a spinal injury, do not place the patient in the recovery position unless you have been specially trained in the spinal recovery position.

Benefits of the Recovery Position

The recovery position helps to prevent the patient from choking and keeps them in a comfortable position.

Steps to Ensure Safety and Comfort

Once the patient is in the recovery position:

  • Check to ensure that the airway is open and that they are still breathing.
  • Keep the patient warm.
  • Reassure them that Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are on their way.

By following these steps, you can ensure the safety and comfort of an unconscious but breathing patient until professional help arrives.